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RFC 2334:
Server Cache Synchronization Protocol (SCSP)


Network Working Group                                         J. Luciani
Request for Comments: 2334                                  Bay Networks
Category: Standards Track                                    G. Armitage
                                                              J. Halpern
                                                            N. Doraswamy
                                                            Bay Networks
                                                              April 1998

              Server Cache Synchronization Protocol (SCSP)

Status of this Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998).  All Rights Reserved.


   This document describes the Server Cache Synchronization Protocol
   (SCSP) and is written in terms of SCSP's use within Non Broadcast
   Multiple Access (NBMA) networks; although, a somewhat straight
   forward usage is applicable to BMA networks.  SCSP attempts to solve
   the generalized cache synchronization/cache-replication problem for
   distributed protocol entities.  However, in this document, SCSP is
   couched in terms of the client/server paradigm in which distributed
   server entities, which are bound to a Server Group (SG) through some
   means, wish to synchronize the contents (or a portion thereof) of
   their caches which contain information about the state of clients
   being served.

1. Introduction

   SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL, when they appear in this
   document, are to be interpreted as described in [10].

   It is perhaps an obvious goal for any protocol to not limit itself to
   a single point of failure such as having a single server in a
   client/server paradigm.  Even when there are redundant servers, there

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   still remains the problem of cache synchronization; i.e.,  when one
   server becomes aware of a change in state of cache information then
   that server must propagate the knowledge of the change in state to
   all servers which are actively mirroring that state information.
   Further, this must be done in a timely fashion without putting undue
   resource strains on the servers. Assuming that the state information
   kept in the server cache is the state of clients of the server, then
   in order to minimize the burden placed upon the client it is also
   highly desirable that clients need not have complete knowledge of all
   servers which they may use.  However, any mechanism for
   synchronization should not preclude a client from having access to
   several (or all) servers.  Of course, any solution must be reasonably
   scalable, capable of using some auto-configuration service, and lend
   itself to a wide range of authentication methodologies.

   This document describes the Server Cache Synchronization Protocol
   (SCSP). SCSP solves the generalized server synchronization/cache-
   replication problem while addressing the issues described above.
   SCSP synchronizes caches (or a portion of the caches) of a set of
   server entities of a particular protocol which are bound to a Server
   Group (SG) through some means (e.g., all NHRP servers belonging to a
   Logical IP Subnet (LIS)[1]).  The client/server protocol which a
   particular server uses is identified by a Protocol ID (PID).  SGs are
   identified by an ID which, not surprisingly, is called a SGID. Note,
   therefore, that the combination PID/SGID identifies both the
   client/server protocol for which the servers of the SG are being
   synchronized as well as the instance of that protocol.  This implies
   that multiple instances of the same protocol may be in operation at
   the same time and have their servers synchronized independently of
   each other.  An example of types of information that must be
   synchronized can be seen in NHRP[2] using IP where the information
   includes the registered clients' IP to NBMA mappings in the SG LIS.

   The simplest way to understand SCSP is to understand that the
   algorithm used here is quite similar to that used in OSPF[3].  In
   fact, if the reader wishes to understand more details of the
   tradeoffs and reliability aspects of SCSP, they should refer to the
   Hello, Database Synchronization, and Flooding Procedures in OSPF [3].

   As described later, the protocol goes through three phases.  The
   first, very brief phase is the hello phase where two devices
   determine that they can talk to each other.  Following that is
   database synchronization.  The operation of SCSP assumes that up to
   the point when new information is received, two entities have the
   same data available.  The database synchronization phase ensures

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   In database synchronization, the two neighbors exchange summary
   information about each entry in their database.  Summaries are used
   since the database itself is potentially quite large.  Based on these
   summaries, the neighbors can determine if there is information that
   each needs from the other.  If so, that is requested and provided.
   Therefore, at the end of this phase of operation, the two neighbors
   have the same data in their databases.

   After that, the entities enter and remain in flooding state.  In
   flooding state, any new information that is learned is sent to all
   neighbors, except the one (if any) that the information was learned
   from.  This causes all new information in the system to propagate to
   all nodes, thus restoring the state that everyone knows the same
   thing.  Flooding is done reliably on each link, so no pattern of low
   rate packet loss will cause a disruption.  (Obviously, a sufficiently
   high rate of packet loss will cause the entire neighbor relationship
   to come down, but if the link does not work, then that is what one

   Because the database synchronization procedure is run whenever a link
   comes up, the system robustly ensures that all participating nodes
   have all available information.  It properly recovers from
   partitions, and copes with other failures.

   The SCSP specification is not useful as a stand alone protocol.  It
   must be coupled with the use of an SCSP Protocol Specific
   specification which defines how a given protocol would make use of
   the synchronization primitives supplied by SCSP.  Such specification
   will be done in separate documents; e.g., [8] [9].

2. Overview

   SCSP places no topological requirements upon the SG.  Obviously,
   however, the resultant graph must span the set of servers to be
   synchronized.  SCSP borrows its cache distribution mechanism from the
   link state protocols [3,4].  However, unlike those technologies,
   there is no mandatory Shortest Path First (SPF) calculation, and SCSP
   imposes no additional memory requirements above and beyond that which
   is required to save the cached information which would exist
   regardless of the synchronization technology.

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   In order to give a frame of reference for the following discussion,
   the terms Local Server (LS), Directly Connected Server (DCS), and
   Remote Server (RS) are introduced.  The LS is the server under
   scrutiny; i.e., all statements are made from the perspective of the
   LS when discussing the SCSP protocol. The DCS is a server which is
   directly connected to the LS;  e.g., there exists a VC between the LS
   and DCS.  Thus, every server is a DCS from the point of view of every
   other server which connects to it directly, and every server is an LS
   which has zero or more DCSs directly connected to it. From the
   perspective of an LS, an RS is a server, separate from the LS, which
   is not directly connected to the LS (i.e., an RS is always two or
   more hops away from an LS whereas a DCS is always one hop away from
   an LS).

   SCSP contains three sub protocols: the "Hello" protocol, the "Cache
   Alignment" protocol, and the "Cache State Update" protocol.  The
   "Hello" protocol is used to ascertain whether a DCS is operational
   and whether the connection between the LS and DCS is bidirectional,
   unidirectional, or non-functional.  The "Cache Alignment" (CA)
   protocol allows an LS to synchronize its entire cache with that of
   the cache of its DCSs. The "Cache State Update" (CSU) protocol is
   used to update the state of cache entries in servers for a given SG.
   Sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 contain a more in-depth explanation of the
   Hello, CA, and CSU protocols and the messages they use.

   SCSP based synchronization is performed on a per protocol instance
   basis.  That is, a separate instance of SCSP is run for each instance
   of the given protocol running in a given box.  The protocol is
   identified in SCSP via a Protocol ID and the instance of the protocol
   is identified by a Server Group ID (SGID).  Thus the PID/SGID pair
   uniquely identify an instance of SCSP.  In general, this is not an
   issue since it is seldom the case that many instances of a given
   protocol (which is distributed and needs cache synchronization) are
   running within the same physical box.  However, when this is the
   case, there is a mechanism called the Family ID (described briefly in
   the Hello Protocol) which enables a substantial reduction in
   maintenance traffic at little real cost in terms of control.  The use
   of the Family ID mechanism, when appropriate for a given protocol
   which is using SCSP, will be fully defined in the given SCSP protocol
   specific specification.

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                       |               |
              +------->|     DOWN      |<-------+
              |        |               |        |
              |        +---------------+        |
              |            |       ^            |
              |            |       |            |
              |            |       |            |
              |            |       |            |
              |            @       |            |
              |        +---------------+        |
              |        |               |        |
              |        |    WAITING    |        |
              |     +--|               |--+     |
              |     |  +---------------+  |     |
              |     |    ^           ^    |     |
              |     |    |           |    |     |
              |     @    |           |    @     |
            +---------------+     +---------------+
            |               |     |               |
            |  CONNECTION   |<----|  CONNECTION   |
            +---------------+     +---------------+

          Figure 1: Hello Finite State Machine (HFSM)

2.1  Hello Protocol

   "Hello" messages are used to ascertain whether a DCS is operational
   and whether the connections between the LS and DCS are bidirectional,
   unidirectional, or non-functional. In order to do this, every LS MUST
   periodically send a Hello message to its DCSs.

   An LS must be configured with a list of NBMA addresses which
   represent the addresses of peer servers in a SG to which the LS
   wishes to have a direct connection for the purpose of running SCSP;
   that is, these addresses are the addresses of would-be DCSs.  The
   mechanism for the configuration of an LS with these NBMA address is
   beyond the scope of this document; although one possible mechanism
   would be an autoconfiguration server.

   An LS has a Hello Finite State Machine (HFSM) associated with each of
   its DCSs (see Figure 1) for a given SG, and the HFSM monitors the
   state of the connectivity between the servers.

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   The HFSM starts in the "Down" State and transitions to the "Waiting"
   State after NBMA level connectivity has been established.  Once in
   the Waiting State, the LS starts sending Hello messages to the DCS.
   The Hello message includes: a Sender ID which is set to the LS's ID
   (LSID), zero or more Receiver IDs which identify the DCSs from which
   the LS has recently heard a Hello message (as described below), and a
   HelloInterval and DeadFactor which will be described below.   At this
   point, the DCS may or may not already be sending its own Hello
   messages to the LS.

   When the LS receives a Hello message from one of its DCSs, the LS
   checks to see if its LSID is in one of the Receiver ID fields of that
   message which it just received, and the LS saves the Sender ID from
   that Hello message. If the LSID is in one of the Receiver ID fields
   then the LS transitions the HFSM to the Bidirectional Connection
   state otherwise it transitions the HFSM into the Unidirectional
   Connection state.  The Sender ID which was saved is the DCS's ID
   (DCSID).  At some point before the next time that the LS sends its
   own Hello message to the DCS, the LS will check the saved DCSID
   against a list of Receiver IDs which the LS uses when sending the
   LS's own Hello messages.  If the DCSID is not found in the list of
   Receiver IDs then it is added to that list before the LS sends its
   Hello message.

   Hello messages also contain a HelloInterval and a DeadFactor.  The
   Hello interval advertises the time (in seconds) between sending of
   consecutive Hello messages by the server which is sending the
   "current" Hello message.  That is, if the time between reception of
   Hello messages from a DCS exceeds the HelloInterval advertised by
   that DCS then the next Hello message is to be considered late by the
   LS.  If the LS does not receive a Hello message, which contains the
   LS's LSID in one of the Receiver ID fields, within the interval
   HelloInterval*DeadFactor seconds (where DeadFactor was advertised by
   the DCS in a previous Hello message) then the LS MUST consider the
   DCS to be stalled.  At which point one of two things will happen: 1)
   if any Hello messages have been received during the last
   HelloInterval*DeadFactor seconds then the LS should transition the
   HFSM for that DCS to the Unidirectional Connection State; otherwise,
   the LS should transition the HFSM for that DCS to the Waiting State
   and remove the DCSID from the Receiver ID list.

   Note that the Hello Protocol is on a per PID/SGID basis. Thus, for
   example, if there are two servers (one in SG A and the other in SG B)
   associated with an NBMA address X and another two servers (also one
   in SG A and the other in SG B) associated with NBMA address Y and
   there is a suitable point-to-point VC between the NBMA addresses then
   there are two HFSMs running on each side of the VC (one per

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   Hello messages contain a list of Receiver IDs instead of a single
   Receiver ID in order to make use of point to multipoint connections.
   While there is an HFSM per DCS, an LS MUST send only a single Hello
   message to its DCSs attached as leaves of a point to multipoint
   connection.  The LS does this by including DCSIDs in the list of
   Receiver IDs when the LS's sends its next Hello message.  Only the
   DCSIDs from non-stalled DCSs from which the LS has heard a Hello
   message are included.

   Any abnormal event, such as receiving a malformed SCSP message,
   causes the HFSM to transition to the Waiting State; however, a loss
   of NBMA connectivity causes the HFSM to transition to the Down State.
   Until the HFSM is in the Bidirectional Connection State, if any
   properly formed SCSP messages other than Hello messages are received
   then those messages MUST be ignored (this is for the case where, for
   example, there is a point to multipoint connection involved).

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                   |            |
              +--->|    DOWN    |
              |    |            |
              |    +------------+
              |          |
              ^          |
              |          @
              |    +------------+
              |    |Master/Slave|
              |-<--|            |<---+
              |    |Negotiation |    |
              |    +------------+    |
              |          |           |
              ^          |           ^
              |          @           |
              |    +------------+    |
              |    |   Cache    |    |
              |-<--|            |-->-|
              |    | Summarize  |    |
              |    +------------+    |
              |          |           |
              ^          |           ^
              |          @           |
              |    +------------+    |
              |    |   Update   |    |
              |-<--|            |-->-|
              |    |   Cache    |    |
              |    +------------+    |
              |          |           |
              ^          |           ^
              |          @           |
              |    +------------+    |
              |    |            |    |
              +-<--|  Aligned   |-->-+
                   |            |

     Figure 2: Cache Alignment Finite State Machine

2.2 Cache Alignment Protocol

   "Cache Alignment" (CA) messages are used by an LS to synchronize its
   cache with that of the cache of each of its DCSs.  That is, CA
   messages allow a booting LS to synchronize with each of its DCSs.  A
   CA message contains a CA header followed by zero or more Cache State
   Advertisement Summary records (CSAS records).

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   An LS has a Cache Alignment Finite State Machine (CAFSM) associated
   (see Figure 2) with each of its DCSs on a per PID/SGID basis, and the
   CAFSM monitors the state of the cache alignment between the servers.
   The CAFSM starts in the Down State.  The CAFSM is associated with an
   HFSM, and when that HFSM reaches the Bidirectional State, the CAFSM
   transitions to the Master/Slave Negotiation State.  The Master/Slave
   Negotiation State causes either the LS or DCS to take on the role of
   master over the cache alignment process.  In a sense, the master
   server sets the tempo for the cache alignment.

   When the LS's CAFSM reaches the Master/Slave Negotiation State, the
   LS will send a CA message to the DCS associated with the CAFSM.  The
   format of CA messages are described in Section B.2.1.  The first CA
   message which the LS sends includes no CSAS records and a CA header
   which contains the LSID in the Sender ID field, the DCSID in the
   Receiver ID field, a CA sequence number, and three bits.  These three
   bits are the M (Master/Slave) bit, the I (Initialization of master)
   bit, and the O (More) bit. In the first CA message sent by the LS to
   a particular DCS, the M, O, and I bits are set to one.  If the LS
   does not receive a CA message from the DCS in CAReXmtInterval seconds
   then it resends the CA message it just sent.  The LS continues to do
   this until the CAFSM transitions to the Cache Summarize State or
   until the HFSM transitions out of the Bidirectional State.  Any time
   the HFSM transitions out of the Bidirectional State, the CAFSM
   transitions to the Down State.

2.2.1 Master Slave Negotiation State

   When the LS receives a CA message from the DCS while in the
   Master/Slave Negotiation State, the role the LS plays in the exchange
   depends on packet processing as follows:

   1) If the CA from the DCS has the M, I, and O bits set to one and
      there are no CSAS records in the CA message and the Sender ID
      as specified in the DCS's CA message is larger than the LSID then

     a) The timer counting down the CAReXmtInterval is stopped.
     b) The CAFSM corresponding to that DCS transitions to the
        Cache Summarize    State and the LS takes on the role of slave.
     c) The LS adopts the CA sequence number it received in the CA
        message as its own CA sequence number.
     d) The LS sends a CA message to the DCS which is formated as
        follows: the M and I bits are set to zero, the Sender ID field
        is set to the LSID, the Receiver ID field is set to the DCSID,
        and the CA sequence number is set to the CA sequence number that
        appeared in the DCS's CA message.  If there are CSAS records to
        be sent (i.e., if the LS's cache is not empty), and if all of
        them will not fit into this CA message then the O bit is set to

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        one and the initial set of CSAS records are included in the CA
        message; otherwise the O bit is set to zero and if any CSAS
        Records need to be sent then those records are included in the
        CA message.

   2) If the CA message from the DCS has the M and I bits off and the
      Sender ID as specified in the DCS's CA message is smaller than
      the LSID then

     a) The timer counting down the CAReXmtInterval is stopped.
     b) The CAFSM corresponding to that DCS transitions to the
        Cache Summarize State and the LS takes on the role of master.
     c) The LS must process the received CA message.
        An explanation of CA message processing is given below.
     d) The LS sends a CA message to the DCS which is formated as
        follows: the M bit is set to one, I bit is set to zero, the
        Sender ID field is set to the LSID, the Receiver ID field is set
        to the DCSID, and the LS's current CA sequence number is
        incremented by one and placed in the CA message.   If there are
        any CSAS records to be sent from the LS to the DCS (i.e., if the
        LS's cache is not empty) then the O bit is set to one and the
        initial set of CSAS records are included in the CA message that
        the LS is sending to the DCS.

   3) Otherwise, the packet must be ignored.

2.2.2 The Cache Summarize State

   At any given time, the master or slave have at most one outstanding
   CA message.  Once the LS's CAFSM has transitioned to the Cache
   Summarize State the sequence of exchanges of CA messages occurs as

   1) If the LS receives a CA message with the M bit set incorrectly
      (e.g., the M bit is set in the CA of the DCS and the LS is master)
      or if the I bit is set then the CAFSM transitions back to the
      Master/Slave Negotiation State.

   2) If the LS is master and the LS receives a CA message with a
      CA sequence number which is one less than the LS's current
      CA sequence number then the message is a duplicate and the message
      MUST be discarded.

   3) If the LS is master and the LS receives a CA message with a
      CA sequence number which is equal to the LS's current CA sequence
      number then the CA message MUST be processed.  An explanation of
      "CA message processing" is given below.  As a result of having
      received the CA message from the DCS the following will occur:

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     a) The timer counting down the CAReXmtInterval is stopped.
     b) The LS must process any CSAS records in the received CA message.
     c) Increment the LS's CA sequence number by one.
     d) The cache exchange continues as follows:

       1) If the LS has no more CSAS records to send and the received CA
          message has the O bit off then the CAFSM transitions to the
          Update Cache State.
       2) If the LS has no more CSAS records to send and the received CA
          message has the O bit on then the LS sends back a CA message
          (with new CA sequence number) which contains no CSAS records
          and with the O bit off.  Reset the timer counting down the
       3) If the LS has more CSAS records to send then the LS sends the
          next CA message with the LS's next set of CSAS records.  If LS
          is sending its last set of CSAS records then the O bit is set
          off otherwise the O bit is set on. Reset the timer counting
          down the CAReXmtInterval.

   4) If the LS is slave and the LS receives a CA message with a
      CA sequence number which is equal to the LS's current
      CA sequence number then the CA message is a duplicate and the
      LS MUST resend the CA message which it had just sent to the DCS.

   5) If the LS is slave and the LS receives a CA message with a
      CA sequence number which is one more than the LS's current
      CA sequence number then the message is valid and MUST be
      processed.  An explanation of "CA message processing" is given
      below.  As a result of having received the CA message from the
      DCS the following will occur:

     a) The LS must process any CSAS records in the received CA message.
     b) Set the LS's CA sequence number to the CA sequence number in the
        CA message.
     c) The cache exchange continues as follows:

       1) If the LS had just sent a CA message with the O bit off and
          the received CA message has the O bit off then the CAFSM
          transitions to the Update Cache State and the LS sends a CA
          message with no CSAS records and with the O bit off.
       2) If the LS still has CSAS records to send then the LS MUST send
          a CA message with CSAS records in it.

         a) If the message being sent from the LS to the DCS does not
            contain the last CSAS records that the LS needs to send
            then the CA message is sent with the O bit on.
         b) If the message being sent from the LS to the DCS does
            contain the last CSAS records that the LS needs to

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            send and the CA message just received from the DCS had the
            O bit off then the CA message is sent with the O bit off,
            and the LS transitions the CAFSM to the Update Cache State.
         c) If the message being sent from the LS to the DCS does
            contain the last CSAS records that the LS needs to send
            and the CA message just received from the DCS had the O bit
            on then the CA message is sent with the O bit off and the
            alignment process continues.

   6) If the LS is slave and the LS receives a CA message with a
      CA sequence number that is neither equal to nor one more than
      the current LS's CA sequence number then an error has occurred
      and the CAFSM transitions to the Master/Slave Negotiation State.

   Note that if the LS was slave during the CA process then the LS upon
   transitioning the CAFSM to the Update Cache state MUST keep a copy of
   the last CA message it sent and the LS SHOULD set a timer equal to
   CAReXmtInterval. If either the timer expires or the LS receives a CSU
   Solicit (CSUS) message (CSUS messages are described in Section 2.2.3)
   from the DCS then the LS releases the copy of the CA message.  The
   reason for this is that if the DCS (which is master) loses the last
   CA message sent by the LS then the DCS will resend its previous CA
   message with the last CA Sequence number used.  If that were to occur
   the LS would need to resend its last sent CA message as well. "CA message processing":

   The LS makes a list of those cache entries which are more "up to
   date" in the DCS than the LS's own cache.  This list is called the
   CSA Request List (CRL).  See Section 2.4 for a description of what it
   means for a CSA (Client State Advertisement) record or CSAS record to
   be more "up to date" than an LS's cache entry.

2.2.3 The Update Cache State

   If the CRL of the associated CAFSM of the LS is empty upon transition
   into the Update Cache State then the CAFSM immediately transitions
   into the Aligned State.

   If the CRL is not empty upon transition into the Update Cache State
   then the LS solicits the DCS to send the CSA records corresponding to
   the summaries (i.e., CSAS records) which the LS holds in its CRL. The
   solicited CSA records will contain the entirety of the cached
   information held in the DCS's cache for the given cache entry.  The
   LS solicits the relevant CSA records by forming CSU Solicit (CSUS)
   messages from the CRL. See Section B.2.4 for the description of the
   CSUS message format.  The LS then sends the CSUS messages to the DCS.
   The DCS responds to the CSUS message by sending to the LS one or more

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   CSU Request messages containing the entirety of newer cached
   information identified in the CSUS message.  Upon receiving the CSU
   Request the LS will send one or more CSU Replies as described in
   Section 2.3.  Note that the LS may have at most one CSUS message
   outstanding at any given time.

   Just before the first CSUS message is sent from an LS to the DCS
   associated with the CAFSM, a timer is set to CSUSReXmtInterval
   seconds.  If all the CSA records corresponding to the CSAS records in
   the CSUS message have not been received by the time that the timer
   expires then a new CSUS message will be created which contains all
   the CSAS records for which no appropriate CSA record has been
   received plus additional CSAS records not covered in the previous
   CSUS message.  The new CSUS message is then sent to the DCS.  If, at
   some point before the timer expires, all CSA record updates have been
   received for all the CSAS records included in the previously sent
   CSUS message then the timer is stopped.  Once the timer is stopped,
   if there are additional CSAS records that were not covered in the
   previous CSUS message but were in the CRL then the timer is reset and
   a new CSUS message is created which contains only those CSAS records
   from the CRL which have not yet been sent to the DCS.  This process
   continues until all the CSA records corresponding CSAS records that
   were in the CRL have been received by the LS.  When the LS has a
   completely updated cache then the LS transitions CAFSM associated
   with the DCS to the Aligned State.

   If an LS receives a CSUS message or a CA message with a Receiver ID
   which is not the LS's LSID then the message must be discarded and
   ignored.  This is necessary since an LS may be a leaf of a point to
   multipoint connection with other servers in the SG.

2.2.4 The Aligned State

   While in the Aligned state, an LS will perform the Cache State Update
   Protocol as described in Section 2.3.

   Note that an LS may receive a CSUS message while in the Aligned State
   and, the LS MUST respond to the CSUS message with the appropriate CSU
   Request message in a similar fashion to the method previously
   described in Section 2.2.3.

2.3 Cache State Update Protocol

   "Cache State Update" (CSU) messages are used to dynamically update
   the state of cache entries in servers on a given PID/SGID basis. CSU
   messages contain zero or more "Cache State Advertisement" (CSA)
   records each of which contains its own snapshot of the state of a
   particular cache entry.  An LS may send/receive a CSU to/from a DCS

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   only when the corresponding CAFSM is in either the Aligned State or
   the Update Cache State.

   There are two types of CSU messages: CSU Requests and CSU Replies.
   See Sections B.2.2 and B.2.3 respectively for message formats.  A CSU
   Request message is sent from an LS to one or more DCSs for one of two
   reasons: either the LS has received a CSUS message and MUST respond
   only to the DCS which originated the CSUS message, or the LS has
   become aware of a change of state of a cache entry.  An LS becomes
   aware of a change of state of a cache entry either through receiving
   a CSU Request from one of its DCSs or as a result of a change of
   state being observed in a cached entry originated by the LS.  In the
   former case, the LS will send a CSU Request to each of its DCSs
   except the DCS from which the LS became aware of the change in state.
   In the latter case, the LS will send a CSU Request to each of its
   DCSs.  The change in state of a particular cache entry is noted in a
   CSA record which is then appended to the end of the CSU Request
   message mandatory part. In this way, state changes are propagated
   throughout the SG.

   Examples of such changes in state are as follows:

       1) a server receives a request from a client to add an entry to
          its cache,
       2) a server receives a request from a client to remove an entry
          from its cache,
       3) a cache entry has timed out in the server's cache, has been
          refreshed in the server's cache, or has been administratively

   When an LS receives a CSU Request from one of its DCSs, the LS
   acknowledges one or more CSA Records which were contained in the CSU
   Request by sending a CSU Reply.  The CSU Reply contains one or more
   CSAS records which correspond to those CSA records which are being
   acknowledged.  Thus, for example, if a CSA record is dropped (or
   delayed in processing) by the LS because there are insufficient
   resources to process it then a corresponding CSAS record is not
   included in the CSU Reply to the DCS.

   Note that an LS may send multiple CSU Request messages before
   receiving a CSU Reply acknowledging any of the CSA Records contained
   in the CSU Requests.  Note also that a CSU Reply may contain
   acknowledgments for CSA Records from multiple CSU Requests.  Thus,
   the terms "request" and "reply" may be a bit confusing.

   Note that a CSA Record contains a CSAS Record followed by
   client/server protocol specific information contained in a cache
   entry  (see Section B.2.0.2 for CSAS record format information and

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   Section B.2.2.1 for CSA record format information).  When a CSA
   record is considered by the LS to represent cached information which
   is more "up to date" (see Section 2.4) than the cached information
   contained within the cache of the LS then two things happen:  1) the
   LS's cache is updated with the more up to date information, and 2)
   the LS sends a CSU Request containing the CSA Record to each of its
   DCSs except the one from which the CSA Record arrived.  In this way,
   state changes are propagated within the PID/SGID.  Of course, at some
   point, the LS will also acknowledge the reception of the CSA Record
   by sending the appropriate DCS a CSU Reply message containing the
   corresponding CSAS Record.

   When an LS sends a new CSU Request, the LS keeps track of the
   outstanding CSA records in that CSU Request and to which DCSs the LS
   sent the CSU Request.  For each DCS to which the CSU Request was
   sent, a timer set to CSUReXmtInterval seconds is started just prior
   to sending the CSU Request.  This timer is associated with the CSA
   Records contained in that CSU Request such that if that timer expires
   prior to having all CSA Records acknowledged from that DCS then (and
   only then) a CSU Request is re-sent by the LS to that DCS.  However,
   the re-sent CSU Request only contains those CSA Records which have
   not yet been acknowledged.  If all CSA Records associated with a
   timer becomes acknowledged then the timer is stopped. Note that the
   re-sent CSA Records follow the same time-out and retransmit rules as
   if they were new.  Retransmission will occur a configured number of
   times for a given CSA Record and if acknowledgment fails to occur
   then an "abnormal event" has occurred at which point the then the
   HFSM associated with the DCS is transitioned to the Waiting State.

   A CSA Record instance is said to be on a "DCS retransmit queue" when
   it is associated with the previously mentioned timer.  Only the most
   up-to-date CSA Record is permitted to be queued to a given DCS
   retransmit queue.  Thus, if a less up-to-date CSA Record is queued to
   the DCS retransmit queue when a newer CSA Record instance is about to
   be queued to that DCS retransmit queue then the older CSA Record
   instance is dequeued and disassociated with its timer immediately
   prior to enqueuing the newer instance of the CSA Record.

   When an LS receives a CSU Reply from one of its DCSs then the LS
   checks each CSAS record in the CSU Reply against the CSAS Record
   portion of the CSA Records which are queued to the DCS retransmit

     1) If there exists an exact match between the CSAS record portion
        of the CSA record and a CSAS Record in the CSU Reply then
        that CSA Record is considered to be acknowledged and is thus
        dequeued from the DCS retransmit queue and is
        disassociated with its timer.

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     2) If there exists a match between the CSAS record portion
        of the CSA record and a CSAS Record in the CSU Reply except
        for the CSA Sequence number then

       a) If the CSA Record queued to the DCS retransmit queue has a
          CSA Sequence Number which is greater than the
          CSA Sequence Number in the CSAS Record of the the CSU Reply
          then the CSAS Record in the CSU Reply is ignored.
       b) If the CSA Record queued to the DCS retransmit queue has a
          CSA Sequence Number which is less than the
          CSA Sequence Number in the CSAS Record of the the CSU Reply
          then CSA Record which is queued to the DCS retransmit queue is
          dequeued and the CSA Record is disassociated with its timer.
          Further, a CSUS Message is sent to that DCS which sent the
          more up-to-date CSAS Record.  All normal CSUS processing
          occurs as if the CSUS were sent as part of the CA protocol.

   When an LS receives a CSU Request message which contains a CSA Record
   which contains a CSA Sequence Number which is smaller than the CSA
   Sequence number of the cached CSA then the LS MUST acknowledge the
   CSA record in the CSU Request but it MUST do so by sending a CSU
   Reply message containing the CSAS Record portion of the CSA Record
   stored in the cache and not the CSAS Record portion of the CSA Record
   contained in the CSU Request.

   An LS responds to CSUS messages from its DCSs by sending CSU Request
   messages containing the appropriate CSA records to the DCS.  If an LS
   receives a CSUS message containing a CSAS record for an entry which
   is no longer in its database (e.g., the entry timed out and was
   discarded after the Cache Alignment exchange completed but before the
   entry was requested through a CSUS message), then the LS will respond
   by copying the CSAS Record from the CSUS message into a CSU Request
   message and the LS will set the N bit signifying that this record is
   a NULL record since the cache entry no longer exists in the LS's
   cache.  Note that in this case, the "CSA Record" included in the CSU
   Request to signify the NULL cache entry is literally only a CSAS
   Record since no client/server protocol specific information exists
   for the cache entry.

   If an LS receives a CSA Record in a CSU Request from a DCS for which
   the LS has an identical CSA record posted to the corresponding DCS's
   DCS retransmit queue then the CSA Record on the DCS retransmit queue
   is considered to be implicitly acknowledged.  Thus, the CSA Record is
   dequeued from the DCS retransmit queue and is disassociated with its
   timer.  The CSA Record sent by the DCS MUST still be acknowledged by
   the LS in a CSU Reply, however.  This is useful in the case of point

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   to multipoint connections where the rule that "when an LS receives a
   CSA record from a DCS, that LS floods the CSA Record to every DCS
   except the DCS from which it was received" might be broken.

   If an LS receives a CSU with a Receiver ID which is not equal to the
   LSID and is not set to all 0xFFs then the CSU must be discarded and
   ignored.  This is necessary since the LS may be a leaf of a point to
   multipoint connection with other servers in the LS's SG.

   An LS MAY send a CSU Request to the all 0xFFs Receiver ID when the LS
   is a root of a point to multipoint connection with a set of its DCSs.
   If an LS receives a CSU Request with the all 0xFFs Receiver ID then
   it MUST use the Sender ID in the CSU Request as the Receiver ID of
   the CSU Reply (i.e., it MUST unicast its response to the sender of
   the request) when responding.  If the LS wishes to send a CSU Request
   to the all 0xFFs Receiver ID then it MUST create a time-out and
   retransmit timer for each of the DCSs which are leaves of the point
   to multipoint connection prior to sending the CSU Request.  If in
   this case, the time-out and retransmit timer expires for a given DCS
   prior to acknowledgment of a given CSA Record then the LS MUST use
   the specific DCSID as the Receiver ID rather than the all 0xFFs
   Receiver ID.  Similarly, if it is necessary to re-send a CSA Record
   then the LS MUST specify the specific DCSID as the Receiver ID rather
   than the all 0xFFs Receiver ID.

   Note that if a set of servers are in a full mesh of point to
   multipoint connections, and one server of that mesh sends a CSU
   Request into that full mesh, and the sending server sends the CSA
   Records in the CSU Request to the all 0xFFs Receiver ID then it would
   not be necessary for every other server in the mesh to source their
   own CSU Request containing those CSA Records into the mesh in order
   to properly flood the CSA Records. This is because every server in
   the mesh would have heard the CSU Request and would have processed
   the included CSA Records as appropriate.  Thus, a server in a full
   mesh could consider the mesh to be a single logical port and so the
   rule that "when an LS receives a CSA record from a DCS, that LS
   floods the CSA Record to every DCS except the DCS from which it was
   received" is not broken.  A receiving server in the full mesh would
   still need to acknowledge the CSA records with CSU Reply messages
   which contain the LSID of the replying server as the Sender ID and
   the ID of the server which sent the CSU Request as the Receiver ID
   field.  In the time out and retransmit case, the Receiver ID of the
   CSU Request would be set to the specific DCSID which did not
   acknowledge the CSA Record (as opposed to the all 0xFFs Receiver ID).
   Since a full mesh emulates a broadcast media for the servers attached
   to the full mesh, use of SCSP on a broadcast medium might use this
   technique as well.  Further discussion of this use of a full mesh or
   use of a broadcast media is left to the client/server protocol

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   specific documents.

2.4 The meaning of "More Up To Date"/"Newness"

   During the cache alignment process and during normal CSU processing,
   a CSAS Record is compared against the contents of an LS's cache entry
   to decide whether the information contained in the record is more "up
   to date" than the corresponding cache entry of the LS.

   There are three pieces of information which are used in determining
   whether a record contains information which is more "up to date" than
   the information contained in the cache entry of an LS which is
   processing the record: 1) the Cache Key, 2) the Originator which is
   described by an Originator ID (OID), and 3) the CSA Sequence number.
   See Section B.2.0.2 for more information on these fields.

   Given these three pieces of information, a CSAS record (be it part of
   a CSA Record or be it stand-alone) is considered to be more "up to
   date" than the information contained in the cache of an LS if all of
   the following are true:

     1) The Cache Key in the CSAS Record matches the stored Cache Key
        in the LS's cache entry,
     2) The OID in the CSAS Record matches the stored OID
        in the LS's cache entry,
     3) The CSA Sequence Number in the CSAS Record is greater than
        CSA Sequence Number in the LS's cache entry.

Discussion and Conclusions

   While the above text is couched in terms of synchronizing the
   knowledge of the state of a client within the cache of servers
   contained in a SG, this solution generalizes easily to any number of
   database synchronization problems (e.g., LECS synchronization).

   SCSP defines a generic flooding protocol.  There are a number of
   related issues relative to cache maintenance and topology maintenance
   which are more appropriately defined in the client/server protocol
   specific documents; for example, it might be desirable to define a
   generic cache entry time-out mechanism for a given protocol or to
   advertise adjacency information between servers so that one could
   obtain a topo-map of the servers in a SG.  When mechanisms like these
   are desirable, they will be defined in the client/server protocol
   specific documents.

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Appendix A: Terminology and Definitions

   CA Message - Cache Alignment Message
     These messages allow an LS to synchronize its entire cache with
     that of the cache of one of its DCSs.

   CAFSM - Cache Alignment Finite State Machine
     The CAFSM monitors the state of the cache alignment between an LS
     and a particular DCS.  There exists one CAFSM per DCS as seen from
     an LS.

   CSA Record - Cache State Advertisement Record
     A CSA is a record within a CSU message which identifies an update
     to the status of a "particular" cache entry.

   CSAS Record - Cache State Advertisement Summary Record
     A CSAS contains a summary of the information in a CSA.  A server
     will send CSAS records describing its cache entries to another
     server during the cache alignment process.  CSAS records are also
     included in a CSUS messages when an LS wants to request the entire
     CSA from the DCS.  The LS is requesting the CSA from the DCS
     because the LS believes that the DCS has a more recent view of the
     state of the cache entry in question.

   CSU Message - Cache State Update message
     This is a message sent from an LS to its DCSs when the LS becomes
     aware of a change in state of a cache entry.

   CSUS Message - Cache State Update Solicit Message
     This message is sent by an LS to its DCS after the LS and DCS have
     exchanged CA messages.   The CSUS message contains one or more CSAS
     records which represent solicitations for entire CSA records (as
     opposed to just the summary information held in the CSAS).

   DCS - Directly Connected Server
     The DCS is a server which is directly connected to the LS; e.g.,
     there exists a VC between the LS and DCS. This term, along with the
     terms LS and RS, is used to give a frame of reference when talking
     about servers and their synchronization.  Unless explicitly stated
     to the contrary, there is no implied difference in functionality
     between a DCS, LS, and RS.

   HFSM - Hello Finite State Machine
     An LS has a HFSM associated with each of its DCSs.  The HFSM
     monitors the state of the connectivity between the LS and a
     particular DCS.

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   LS - Local Server
     The LS is the server under scrutiny; i.e., all statements are made
     from the perspective of the LS.  This term, along with the terms
     DCS and RS, is used to give a frame of reference when talking about
     servers and their synchronization.  Unless explicitly stated to the
     contrary, there is no implied difference in functionality between a
     DCS, LS, and RS.

   LSID - Local Server ID
     The LSID is a unique token that identifies an LS.  This value might
     be taken from the protocol address of the LS.

   PID - Protocol ID
     This field contains an identifier which identifies the
     client/server protocol which is making use of SCSP for the given
     message.  The assignment of Protocol IDs for this field is given
     over to IANA as described in Section C.

   RS - Remote Server (RS)
     From the perspective of an LS, an RS is a server, separate from the
     LS, which is not directly connected to the LS (i.e., an RS is
     always two or more hops away from an LS whereas a DCS is always one
     hop away from an LS).  Unless otherwise stated an RS refers to a
     server in the SG.  This term, along with the terms LS and DCS, is
     used to give a frame of reference when talking about servers and
     their synchronization.  Unless explicitly stated to the contrary,
     there is no implied difference in functionality between a DCS, LS,
     and RS.

   SG - Server Group
     The SCSP synchronizes caches (or a portion of the caches) of a set
     of server entities which are bound to a SG through some means
     (e.g., all servers belonging to a Logical IP Subnet (LIS)[1]).
     Thus an SG is just a grouping of servers around some commonality.

   SGID - Server Group ID
     This ID is a 16 bit identification field that uniquely identifies
     the instance client/server protocol for which the servers of the SG
     are being synchronized.  This implies that multiple instances of
     the same protocol may be in operation at the same time and have
     their servers synchronized independently of each other.

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Appendix B:  SCSP Message Formats

   This section of the appendix includes the message formats for SCSP.
   SCSP protocols are LLC/SNAP encapsulated with an LLC=0xAA-AA-03 and
   OUI=0x00-00-5e and PID=0x00-05.

   SCSP has 3 parts to every packet: the fixed part, the mandatory part,
   and the extensions part.  The fixed part of the message exists in
   every packet and is shown below.  The mandatory part is specific to
   the particular message type (i.e., CA, CSU Request/Reply, Hello,
   CSUS) and, it includes (among other packet elements) a Mandatory
   Common Part and zero or more records each of which contains
   information pertinent to the state of a particular cache entry
   (except in the case of a Hello message) whose information is being
   synchronized within a SG. The extensions part contains the set of
   extensions for the SCSP message.

   In the following message formats, the fields marked as "unused" MUST
   be set to zero upon transmission of such a message and ignored upon
   receipt of such a message.

B.1 Fixed Part

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |    Version    |  Type Code    |        Packet Size            |
   |          Checksum             |      Start Of Extensions      |

     This is the version of the SCSP protocol being used.  The current
     version is 1.

   Type Code
     This is the code for the message type (e.g., Hello (5), CSU
     Request(2), CSU Reply(3), CSUS (4), CA (1)).

   Packet Size
     The total length of the SCSP packet, in octets (excluding link
     layer and/or other protocol encapsulation).

     The standard IP checksum over the entire SCSP packet starting at
     the fixed header.  If the packet is an odd number of bytes in
     length then this calculation is performed as if a byte set to 0x00
     is appended to the end of the packet.

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   Start Of Extensions
     This field is coded as zero when no extensions are present in the
     message.  If extensions are present then this field will be coded
     with the offset from the top of the fixed header to the beginning
     of the first extension.

B.2.0 Mandatory Part

   The mandatory part of the SCSP packet contains the operation specific
   information for a given message type (e.g., SCSP Cache State Update
   Request/Reply, etc.), and it includes (among other packet elements) a
   Mandatory Common Part (described in Section B.2.0.1) and zero or more
   records each of which contains information pertinent to the state of
   a particular cache entry (except in the case of a Hello message)
   whose information is being synchronized within a SG.  These records
   may, depending on the message type, be either Cache State
   Advertisement Summary (CSAS) Records (described in Section B.2.0.2)
   or Cache State Advertisement (CSA) Records (described in Section
   B.2.2.1).  CSA Records contain a summary of a cache entry's
   information (i.e., a CSAS Record) plus some additional client/server
   protocol specific information.  The mandatory common part format and
   CSAS Record format is shown immediately below, prior to showing their
   use in SCSP messages, in order to prevent replication within the
   message descriptions.

B.2.0.1 Mandatory Common Part

   Sections B.2.1 through B.2.5 have a substantial overlap in format.
   This overlapping format is called the mandatory common part and its
   format is shown below:

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |         Protocol ID           |        Server Group ID        |
   |            unused             |             Flags             |
   | Sender ID Len | Recvr ID Len  |       Number of Records       |
   |                  Sender ID (variable length)                  |
   |                Receiver ID (variable length)                  |

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   Protocol ID
     This field contains an identifier which identifies the
     client/server protocol which is making use of SCSP for the given
     message.  The assignment of Protocol IDs for this field is given
     over to IANA as described in Section C.  Protocols with current
     documents have the following defined values:

       1 - ATMARP
       2 - NHRP
       3 - MARS
       4 - DHCP
       5 - LNNI

   Server Group ID
     This ID is uniquely identifies the instance of a given
     client/server protocol for which servers are being synchronized.

     The Flags field is message specific, and its use will be described
     in the specific message format sections below.

   Sender ID Len
     This field holds the length in octets of the Sender ID.

   Recvr ID Len
     This field holds the length in octets of the Receiver ID.

   Number of Records
     This field contains the number of additional records associated
     with the given message.  The exact format of these records is
     specific to the message and will be described for each message type
     in the sections below.

   Sender ID
     This is an identifier assigned to the server which is sending the
     given message.  One possible assignment might be the protocol
     address of the sending server.

   Receiver ID
     This is an identifier assigned to the server which is to receive
     the given message.  One possible assignment might be the protocol
     address of the server which is to receive the given message.

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B.2.0.2 Cache State Advertisement Summary Record (CSAS record)

   CSAS records contain a summary of information contained in a cache
   entry of a given client/server database which is being synchronized
   through the use of SCSP.  The summary includes enough information for
   SCSP to look into the client/server database for the appropriate
   database cache entry and then compare the "newness" of the summary
   against the "newness" of the cached entry.

   Note that CSAS records do not contain a Server Group ID (SGID) nor do
   they contain a Protocol ID.  These IDs are necessary to identify
   which protocol and which instance of that protocol for which the
   summary is applicable.  These IDs are present in the mandatory common
   part of each message.

   Note also that the values of the Hop Count and Record Length fields
   of a CSAS Record are dependent on whether the CSAS record exists as a
   "stand-alone" record or whether the CSAS record is "embedded" in CSA
   Record.  This is further described below.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |           Hop Count           |        Record Length          |
   | Cache Key Len |  Orig ID Len  |N|          unused             |
   |                       CSA Sequence Number                     |
   |                           Cache Key  ...                      |
   |                         Originator ID   ...                   |

   Hop Count
     This field represents the number of hops that the record may take
     before being dropped.  Thus, at each server that the record
     traverses, the Hop Count is decremented.  This field is set to 1
     when the CSAS record is a "stand-alone" record (i.e., it is not
     embedded within a CSA record) since summaries do not go beyond one
     hop during the cache alignment process.  If a CSAS record is
     "embedded" within a CSA record then the Hop Count is set to an
     administratively defined value which is almost certainly greater
     than or equal to the the cardinality of the SG minus one.  Note
     that an exception to the previous rule occurs when the CSA Record
     is carried within a CSU Request which was sent in response to a
     solicitation (i.e., in response to a CSAS Record which was sent in
     a CSUS message); in which case, the Hop Count SHOULD be set to 1.

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   Record Length
     If the CSAS record is a "stand-alone" record then this value is
     12+"Cache Key Leng"+"Orig ID Len" in bytes; otherwise, this value
     is set to 12+"Cache Key Leng"+"Orig ID Len"+ sizeof("Client/Server
     Protocol Specific Part for cache entry").  The size of the
     Client/Server Protocol Specific Part may be obtained from the
     client/server protocol specific document for the given Protocol ID.

   Cache Key Len
     Length of the Cache Key field in bytes.

   Orig ID Len.
     Length of the Originator ID field in bytes.

     The "N" bit signifies that this CSAS Record is actually a Null
     record.  This bit is only used in a CSAS Record contained in a CSU
     Request/Reply which is sent in response to a CSUS message.  It is
     possible that an LS may receive a solicitation for a CSA record
     when the cache entry represented by the solicited CSA Record no
     longer exists in the LS's cache (see Section 2.3 for details).  In
     this case, the LS copies the CSAS Record directly from the CSUS
     message into the CSU Request, and the LS sets the N bit signifying
     that the cache entry does not exist any longer.  The DCS which
     solicited the CSA record which no longer exists will still respond
     with a CSU Reply.  This bit is usually set to zero.

   CSA Sequence Number
     This field contains a sequence number that identifies the "newness"
     of a CSA record instance being summarized.  A "larger" sequence
     number means a more recent advertisement.  Thus, if the state of
     part (or all) of a cache entry needs to be updated then the CSA
     record advertising the new state MUST contain a CSA Sequence Number
     which is larger than the one corresponding to the previous
     advertisement.  This number is assigned by the originator of the
     CSA record.  The CSA Sequence Number may be assigned by the
     originating server or by the client which caused its server to
     advertise its existence.

     The CSA Sequence Number is a signed 32 bit number.  Within the CSA
     Sequence Number space, the number -2^31 (0x80000000) is reserved.
     Thus, the usable portion of the CSA Sequence Number space for a
     given Cache Key is between the numbers -2^31+1 (0x80000001) and
     2^31-1 (0x7fffffff).  An LS uses -2^31+1 the first time it
     originates a CSA Record for a cache entry that it created.  Each
     time the cache entry is modified in some manner and when that
     modification needs to be synchronized with the other servers in the
     SG, the LS increments the CSA Sequence number associated with the

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RFC 2334                          SCSP                        April 1998

     given Cache Key and uses that new CSA Sequence Number when
     advertising the update.  If it is ever the case that a given CSA
     Sequence Number has reached 2^31-2 and the associated cache entry
     has been modified such that an update must be sent to the rest of
     the servers in the SG then the given cache entry MUST first be
     purged from the SG by the LS by sending a CSA Record which causes
     the cache entry to be removed from other servers and this CSA
     Record carries a CSA Sequence Number of 2^31-1.  The exact packet
     format and mechanism by which a cache entry is purged is defined in
     the appropriate protocol specific document.  After the purging CSA
     Record has been acknowledged by each DCS, an LS will then send a
     new CSA Record carrying the updated information, and this new CSA
     Record will carry a CSA Sequence Number of -2^31+1.

     After a restart occurs and after the restarting LS's CAFSM has
     achieved the Aligned state, if an update to an existing cache entry
     needs to be synchronized or a new cache entry needs to be
     synchronized then the ensuing CSA Record MUST contain a CSA
     Sequence Number which is unique within the SG for the given OID and
     Cache Key.  The RECOMMENDED method of obtaining this number (unless
     explicitly stated to the contrary in the protocol specific
     document) is to set the CSA Sequence Number in the CSA Record to
     the CSA Sequence Number associated with the existing cache entry
     (if an out of date cache entry already exists and zero if not) plus
     a configured constant.  Note that the protocol specific document
     may require that all cache entries containing the OID of the
     restarting LS be purged prior to updating the cache entries; in
     this case, the updating CSA Record will still contain a CSA
     Sequence Number set to the CSA Sequence Number associated with the
     previously existing cache entry plus a configured constant.

   Cache Key
     This is a database lookup key that uniquely identifies a piece of
     data which the originator of a CSA Record wishes to synchronize
     with its peers for a given "Protocol ID/Server Group ID" pair.
     This key will generally be a small opaque byte string which SCSP
     will associate with a given piece of data in a cache.  Thus, for
     example, an originator might assign a particular 4 byte string to
     the binding of an IP address with that of an ATM address.
     Generally speaking, the originating server of a CSA record is
     responsible for generating a Cache Key for every element of data
     that the the given server originates and which the server wishes to
     synchronize with its peers in the SG.

   Originator ID
     This field contains an ID administratively assigned to the server
     which is the originator of CSA Records.

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RFC 2334                          SCSP                        April 1998

B.2.1 Cache Alignment (CA)

   The Cache Alignment (CA) message allows an LS to synchronize its
   entire cache with that of the cache of its DCSs within a server
   group. The CA message type code is 1. The CA message mandatory part
   format is as follows:

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                     CA  Sequence Number                       |
   |                    Mandatory Common Part                      |
   |                          CSAS Record                          |
   |                          CSAS Record                          |

   CA Sequence Number
     A value which provides a unique identifier to aid in the sequencing
     of the cache alignment process.  A "larger" sequence number means a
     more recent CA message.  The slave server always copies the
     sequence number from the master server's previous CA message into
     its current CA message which it is sending and the the slave
     acknowledges the master's CA message.  Since the initial CA process
     is lock-step, if the slave does not receive the same sequence
     number which it previously received then the information in the
     slave's previous CA message is implicitly acknowledged. Note that
     there is a separate CA Sequence Number space associated with each

     Whenever it is necessary to (re)start cache alignment and the CAFSM
     enters the Master/Slave Negotiation state, the CA Sequence Number
     should be set to a value not previously seen by the DCS.  One
     possible scheme is to use the machine's time of day counter.

   Mandatory Common Part
     The mandatory common part is described in detail in Section
     B.2.0.1.  There are two fields in the mandatory common part whose
     codings are specific to a given message type.  These fields are the
     "Number of Records" field and the "Flags" field.

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     Number of Records
       The Number of Records field of the mandatory common part for the
       CA message gives the number of CSAS Records appended to the CA
       message mandatory part.

       The Flags field of the mandatory common part for the CA message
       has the following format:

        0                   1
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
       |M|I|O|         unused          |

         This bit is part of the negotiation process for the cache
         alignment.  When this bit is set then the sender of the CA
         message is indicating that it wishes to lead the alignment
         process.  This bit is the "Master/Slave bit".

         When set, this bit indicates that the sender of the CA message
         believes that it is in a state where it is negotiating for the
         status of master or slave.  This bit is the "Initialization

         This bit indicates that the sender of the CA message has more
         CSAS records to send.  This implies that the cache alignment
         process must continue.  This bit is the "mOre bit" despite its
         dubious name.

     All other fields of the mandatory common part are coded as
     described in Section B.2.0.1.

   CSAS record
     The CA message appends CSAS records to the end of its mandatory
     part.  These CSAS records are NOT embedded in CSA records.  See
     Section B.2.0.2 for details on CSAS records.

B.2.2 Cache State Update Request (CSU Request)

   The Cache State Update Request (CSU Request) message is used to
   update the state of cache entries in servers which are directly
   connected to the server sending the message.   A CSU Request message
   is sent from one server (the LS) to directly connected server (the
   DCS) when the LS observes changes in the state of one or more cache

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   entries.  An LS observes such a change in state by either receiving a
   CSU request which causes an update to the LS's database or by
   observing a change of state of a cached entry originated by the LS.
   The change in state of a cache entry is noted in a CSU message by
   appending a "Cache State Advertisement" (CSA) record to the end of
   the mandatory part of the CSU Request as shown below.

   The CSU Request message type code is 2.  The CSU Request message
   mandatory part format is as follows:

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                    Mandatory Common Part                      |
   |                         CSA Record                            |
   |                         CSA Record                            |

   Mandatory Common Part
     The mandatory common part is described in detail in Section
     B.2.0.1.  There are two fields in the mandatory common part whose
     codings are specific to a given message type.  These fields are the
     "Number of Records" field and the "Flags" field.

     Number of Records
       The Number of Records field of the mandatory common part for the
       CSU Request message gives the number of CSA Records appended to
       the CSU Request message mandatory part.

       Currently, there are no flags defined for the Flags field of the
       mandatory common part for the CSU Request message.

     All other fields of the mandatory common part are coded as
     described in Section B.2.0.1.

   CSA Record
     See Section B.2.2.1.

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B.2.2.1 Cache State Advertisement Record (CSA record)

   CSA records contain the information necessary to relate the current
   state of a cache entry in an SG to the servers being synchronized.
   CSA records contain a CSAS Record header and a client/server protocol
   specific part. The CSAS Record includes enough information for SCSP
   to look into the client/server database for the appropriate database
   cache entry and then compare the "newness" of the summary against the
   "newness" of the cached entry.  If the information contained in the
   CSA is more new than the cached entry of the receiving server then
   the cached entry is updated accordingly with the contents of the CSA
   Record.  The client/server protocol specific part of the CSA Record
   is documented separately for each such protocol.  Examples of the
   protocol specific parts for NHRP and ATMARP are shown in [8] and [9]

   The amount of information carried by a specific CSA record may exceed
   the size of a link layer PDU.  Hence, such CSA records MUST be
   fragmented across a number of CSU Request messages. The method by
   which this is done, is client/server protocol specific and is
   documented in the appropriate protocol specific document.

   The content of a CSA record is as follows:

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                          CSAS Record                          |
   |   Client/Server Protocol Specific Part for cache entry ...    |

   CSAS Record
     See Section B.2.0.2 for rules and format for filling out a CSAS
     Record when it is "embedded" in a CSA Record.

   Client/Server Protocol Specific Part for cache entry
     This field contains the fields which are specific to the protocol
     specific portion of SCSP processing.  The particular set of fields
     are defined in separate documents for each protocol user of SCSP.
     The Protocol ID, which identifies which protocol is using SCSP in
     the given packet, is located in the mandatory part of the message.

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B.2.3 Cache State Update Reply (CSU Reply)

   The Cache State Update Reply (CSU Reply) message is sent from a DCS
   to an LS to acknowledge one or more CSA records which were received
   in a CSU Request.  Reception of a CSA record in a CSU Request is
   acknowledged by including a CSAS record in the CSU Reply which
   corresponds to the CSA record being acknowledged.  The CSU Reply
   message is the same in format as the CSU Request message except for
   the following: the type code is 3, only CSAS Records (rather than CSA
   records) are returned, and only those CSAS Records for which CSA
   Records are being acknowledged are returned.  This implies that a
   given LS sending a CSU Request may not receive an acknowledgment in a
   single CSU Reply for all the CSA Records included in the CSU Request.

B.2.4 Cache State Update Solicit Message (CSUS message)

   This message allows one server (LS) to solicit the entirety of CSA
   record data stored in the cache of a directly connected server (DCS).
   The DCS responds with CSU Request messages containing the appropriate
   CSA records.  The CSUS message type code is 4.  The CSUS message
   format is the same as that of the CSU Reply message.  CSUS messages
   solicit CSU Requests from only one server (the one identified by the
   Receiver ID in the Mandatory Part of the message).

B.2.5 Hello:

   The Hello message is used to check connectivity between the sending
   server (the LS) and one of its directly connected neighbor servers
   (the DCSs).  The Hello message type code is 5.  The Hello message
   mandatory part format is as follows:

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |         HelloInterval         |          DeadFactor           |
   |            unused             |          Family ID            |
   |                    Mandatory Common Part                      |
   |                 Additional Receiver ID Record                 |
   |                 Additional Receiver ID Record                 |

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     The hello interval advertises the time between sending of
     consecutive Hello Messages.  If the LS does not receive a Hello
     message from the DCS (which contains the LSID as a Receiver ID)
     within the HelloInterval advertised by the DCS then the DCS's Hello
     is considered to be late.  Also, the LS MUST send its own Hello
     message to a DCS within the HelloInterval which it advertised to
     the DCS in the LS's previous Hello message to that DCS (otherwise
     the DCS would consider the LS's Hello to be late).

     This is a multiplier to the HelloInterval. If an LS does not
     receive a Hello message which contains the LS's LSID as a Receiver
     ID within the interval HelloInterval*DeadFactor from a given DCS,
     which advertised the HelloInterval and DeadFactor in a previous
     Hello message, then the LS MUST consider the DCS to be stalled; at
     this point, one of two things MUST happen: 1) if the LS has
     received any Hello messages from the DCS during this time then the
     LS transitions the corresponding HFSM to the Unidirectional State;
     otherwise, 2) the LS transitions the corresponding HFSM to the
     Waiting State.

   Family ID
     This is an opaque bit string which is used to refer to an aggregate
     of Protocol ID/SGID pairs.  Only a single HFSM is run for all
     Protocol ID/SGID pairs assigned to a Family ID.  Thus, there is a
     one to many mapping between the single HFSM and the CAFSMs
     corresponding to each of the Protocol ID/SGID pairs.  This might
     have the net effect of substantially reducing HFSM maintenance
     traffic.  See the protocol specific SCSP documents for further

   Mandatory Common Part
     The mandatory common part is described in detail in Section
     B.2.0.1.  There are two fields in the mandatory common part whose
     codings are specific to a given message type.  These fields are the
     "Number of Records" field and the "Flags" field.

     Number of Records
       The Number of Records field of the mandatory common part for the
       Hello message contains the number of "Additional Receiver ID"
       records which are included in the Hello.  Additional Receiver ID
       records contain a length field and a Receiver ID field.  Note
       that the count in "Number of Records" does NOT include the
       Receiver ID which is included in the Mandatory Common Part.

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       Currently, there are no flags defined for the Flags field of the
       mandatory common part for the Hello message.

     All other fields of the mandatory common part are coded as
     described in Section B.2.0.1.

   Additional Receiver ID Record
     This record contains a length field followed by a Receiver ID.
     Since it is conceivable that the length of a given Receiver ID may
     vary even within an SG, each additional Receiver ID heard (beyond
     the first one) will have both its length in bytes and value encoded
     in an "Additional Receiver ID Record".  Receiver IDs are IDs of a
     DCS from which the LS has heard a recent Hello (i.e., within
     DeadFactor*HelloInterval as advertised by the DCS in a previous
     Hello message).

     The format for this record is as follows:

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |  Rec ID Len   |                 Receiver ID                   |

   If the LS has not heard from any DCS then the LS sets the Hello
   message fields as follows:  Recvr ID Len is set to zero and no
   storage is allocated for the Receiver ID in the Common Mandatory
   Part,  "Number of Records" is set to zero, and no storage is
   allocated for "Additional Receiver ID Records".

   If the LS has heard from exactly one DCS then the LS sets the Hello
   message fields as follows:  the Receiver ID of the DCS which was
   heard and the length of that Receiver ID are encoded in the Common
   Mandatory Part, "Number of Records" is set to zero, and no storage is
   allocated for "Additional Receiver ID Records".

   If the LS has heard from two or more DCSs then the LS sets the Hello
   message fields as follows:  the Receiver ID of the first DCS which
   was heard and the length of that Receiver ID are encoded in the
   Common Mandatory Part, "Number of Records" is set to the number of
   "Additional" DCSs heard, and for each additional DCS an "Additional
   Receiver ID Record" is formed and appended to the end of the Hello

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RFC 2334                          SCSP                        April 1998

B.3  Extensions Part

   The Extensions Part, if present, carries one or more extensions in
   {Type, Length, Value} triplets.

   Extensions have the following format:

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |            Type               |           Length              |
   |                         Value...                              |

     The extension type code (see below).

     The length in octets of the value (not including the Type and
     Length fields;  a null extension will have only an extension header
     and a length of zero).

   When extensions exist, the extensions part is terminated by the End
   of Extensions extension, having Type = 0 and Length = 0.

   Extensions may occur in any order but any particular extension type
   may occur only once in an SCSP packet.  An LS MUST NOT change the
   order of extensions.

B.3.0  The End Of Extensions

    Type = 0
    Length = 0

   When extensions exist, the extensions part is terminated by the End
   Of Extensions extension.

B.3.1 SCSP Authentication Extension

   Type = 1 Length = variable

   The SCSP Authentication Extension is carried in SCSP packets to
   convey the authentication information between an LS and a DCS in the
   same SG.

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   Authentication is done pairwise on an LS to DCS basis; i.e., the
   authentication extension is generated at each LS. If a received
   packet fails the authentication test then an "abnormal event" has
   occurred. The packet is discarded and this event is logged.

   The presence or absence of authentication is a local matter.

B.3.1.1 Header Format

   The authentication header has the following format:

   0                   1                   2                   3
   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |               Security Parameter Index (SPI)                  |
   |                                                               |
   +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Authentication Data... -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   |                                                               |

   Security Parameter Index (SPI) can be thought of as an index into a
   table that maintains the keys and other information such as hash
   algorithm. LS and DCS communicate either off-line using manual keying
   or online using a key management protocol to populate this table. The
   receiving SCSP entity always allocates the SPI and the parameters
   associated with it.

   The authentication data field contains the MAC (Message
   Authentication Code) calculated over the entire SCSP payload. The
   length of this field is dependent on the hash algorithm used to
   calculate the MAC.

B.3.1.2 Supported Hash Algorithms

   The default hash algorithm to be supported is HMAC-MD5-128 [11]. HMAC
   is safer than normal keyed hashes. Other hash algorithms MAY be
   supported by def.

   IANA will assign the numbers to identify the algorithm being used as
   described in Section C.

B.3.1.3 SPI and Security Parameters Negotiation

   SPI's can be negotiated either manually or using an Internet Key
   Management protocol. Manual keying MUST be supported. The following
   parameters are associated with the tuple <SPI, DCS ID>- lifetime,
   Algorithm, Key. Lifetime indicates the duration in seconds for which

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RFC 2334                          SCSP                        April 1998

   the key is valid. In case of manual keying, this duration can be
   infinite. Also, in order to better support manual keying, there may
   be multiple tuples active at the same time (DCS ID being the same).

   Any Internet standard key management protocol MAY be used to
   negotiate the SPI and parameters.

B.3.1.4 Message Processing

   At the time of adding the authentication extension header, LS looks
   up in a table to fetch the SPI and the security parameters based on
   the DCS ID. If there are no entries in the table and if there is
   support for key management, the LS initiates the key management
   protocol to fetch the necessary parameters. The LS then calculates
   the hash by zeroing authentication data field before calculating the
   MAC on the sending end. The result replaces in the zeroed
   authentication data field. If key management is not supported and
   authentication is mandatory, the packet is dropped and this
   information is logged.

   When receiving traffic, an LS fetches the parameters based on the SPI
   and its ID. The authentication data field is extracted before zeroing
   out to calculate the hash. It computes the hash on the entire payload
   and if the hash does not match, then an "abnormal event" has

B.3.1.5 Security Considerations

   It is important that the keys chosen are strong as the security of
   the entire system depends on the keys being chosen properly and the
   correct implementation of the algorithms.

   SCSP has a peer to peer trust model. It is recommended to use an
   Internet standard key management protocol to negotiate the keys
   between the neighbors. Transmitting the keys in clear text, if other
   methods of negotiation is used, compromises the security completely.

   Data integrity covers the entire SCSP payload. This guarantees that
   the message was not modified and the source is authenticated as well.
   If authentication extension is not used or if the security is
   compromised, then SCSP servers are liable to both spoofing attacks,
   active attacks and passive attacks.

   There is no mechanism to encrypt the messages. It is assumed that a
   standard layer 3 confidentiality mechanism will be used to encrypt
   and decrypt messages.  As integrity is calculated on an SCSP message

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RFC 2334                          SCSP                        April 1998

   and not on each record, there is an implied trust between all the
   servers in a domain. It is recommend to use the security extension
   between all the servers in a domain and not just a subset servers.

   Any SCSP server is susceptible to Denial of Service (DOS) attacks. A
   rouge host can inundate its neighboring SCSP server with SCSP
   packets. However, if the authentication option is used, SCSP
   databases will not become corrupted, as the bogus packets will be
   discarded when the authentication check fails.

   Due to the pairwise authentication model of SCSP, the information
   received from any properly authenticated server is trusted and
   propagated throughout the server group.  Consequently, if security of
   any SCSP server is compromised, the entire database becomes
   vulnerable to curruption originating from the compromised server.

B.3.2  SCSP Vendor-Private Extension

    Type = 2
    Length = variable

   The SCSP Vendor-Private Extension is carried in SCSP packets to
   convey vendor-private information between an LS and a DCS in the same
   SG and is thus of limited use.  If a finer granularity (e.g., CSA
   record level) is desired then then given client/server protocol
   specific SCSP document MUST define such a mechanism.  Obviously,
   however, such a protocol specific mechanism might look exactly like
   this extension.  The Vendor Private Extension MAY NOT appear more
   than once in an SCSP packet for a given Vendor ID value.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                  Vendor ID                    |  Data....     |

   Vendor ID
     802 Vendor ID as assigned by the IEEE [7].

     The remaining octets after the Vendor ID in the payload are
     vendor-dependent data.

   If the receiver does not handle this extension, or does not match the
   Vendor ID in the extension then the extension may be completely
   ignored by the receiver.

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RFC 2334                          SCSP                        April 1998

C. IANA Considerations

   Any and all requests for value assignment from the various number
   spaces described in this document require proper documentation.
   Possible forms of documentation include, but are not limited to, RFCs
   or the product of another cooperative standards body (e.g., the MPOA
   and LANE subworking group of the ATM Forum). Other requests may also
   be accepted, under the advice of a "designated expert". (Contact the
   IANA for the contact information of the current expert.)


   [1] Laubach, M., and J. Halpern, "Classical IP and ARP over ATM",
   Laubach, RFC 2225, April 1998.

   [2] Luciani, J., Katz, D., Piscitello, D., Cole, B., and N.
   Doraswamy, "NMBA Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP)", RFC 2332,
   April 1998.

   [3] Moy, J., "OSPF Version 2", STD 54, RFC 2328, April 1998.

   [4] "P-NNI V1", Dykeman, Goguen, 1996.

   [5] Armitage, G., "Support for Multicast over UNI 3.0/3.1 based ATM
   Networks", RFC 2022, November 1996.

   [6] Keene, "LAN Emulation over ATM Version 2 - LNNI specification",

   [7] Reynolds, J., and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", STD 2, RFC 1700,
   October 1994.

   [8] Luciani, J., "A Distributed NHRP Service Using SCSP", RFC 2335,
   April 1998.

   [9] Luciani, J., "A Distributed ATMARP Service Using SCSP", Work In

   [10] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement
   Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [11] Krawczyk, H., Bellare, M., and R. Canetti, "HMAC: Keyed Hashing
   for Message Authentication", RFC 2104, February 1997.

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RFC 2334                          SCSP                        April 1998


   This memo is a distillation of issues raised during private
   discussions, on the IP-ATM mailing list, and during the Dallas IETF
   (12/95). Thanks to all who have contributed but particular thanks to
   following people (in no particular order): Barbara Fox of Harris and
   Jeffries; Colin Verrilli of IBM; Raj Nair, and Matthew Doar of Ascom
   Nexion; Andy Malis of Cascade; Andre Fredette of Bay Networks; James
   Watt of Newbridge; and Carl Marcinik of Fore.

Authors' Addresses

   James V. Luciani
   Bay Networks, Inc.
   3 Federal Street, BL3-03
   Billerica, MA  01821

   Phone: +1-978-916-4734
   EMail: luciani@baynetworks.com

   Grenville Armitage
   Bell Labs Lucent Technologies
   101 Crawfords Corner Road
   Holmdel, NJ 07733

   Phone: +1 201 829 2635
   EMail: gja@lucent.com

   Joel M. Halpern
   Newbridge Networks Corp.
   593 Herndon Parkway
   Herndon, VA 22070-5241

   Phone: +1-703-708-5954
   EMail: jhalpern@Newbridge.COM

   Naganand Doraswamy
   Bay Networks, Inc.
   3 Federal St, BL3-03
   Billerice, MA 01821

   Phone: +1-978-916-1323
   EMail: naganand@baynetworks.com

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RFC 2334                          SCSP                        April 1998

Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998).  All Rights Reserved.

   This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
   others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
   or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
   and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
   kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
   included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this
   document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
   the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
   Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
   developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
   copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
   followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than

   The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
   revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

   This document and the information contained herein is provided on an

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